By sponsoring a Freedom Farm, you create a flourishing 2.5 acre olive grove for a Palestinian farmer, their family, and generations to follow. Your generous tax deductible* donation of $7,500 includes the planting of 250 trees, irrigated and fenced—ensuring the prosperity and longevity of your farm.

Join us as a Legacy Donor and leave a lasting impact on the West Bank, peacefully transforming the region into a prosperous heartland for generations to come.

If you prefer to donate by check:

Treedom for Palestine
115 E. 34th Street, Unit 1745
New York, NY 10156 USA

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*Treedom For All (DBA Treedom for Palestine, EIN 92-3746543) is a registered 501 C-3 non profit organization. Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please keep your email donation receipt as your record—we’ll send it to you upon completion of your donation.